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Interview with Debbie Ellison American Title Company

When you buy a home or sell of home in Michigan a title company is involved in the sale. I work with American Title Company in Ann Arbor and have for many years.

I trust them when I am listing a home to do the title research on the property for sale. I do this when I first list the home to make sure there is nothing the seller needs to clear up before the sale.

In Michigan, both the buyer and seller share the cost in the title insurance. The seller pays their portion on the sale price of the house or condo. The buyer pays the title insurance on the amount of their mortgage policy.

The video is an interview I did with Debbie Ellison, VP of American Title Company on how they look for fraud in Short Sales.

Interview with Debbie Ellison at American Title Company

Contact American Title Company for all your Title Insurance Needs. 734-996-0036

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