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Ann Arbor Real Estate Blog

Blog about Ann Arbor and Saline Michigan

Ann Arbor One of the Best Places to live for Young Professionals

MIchigan AD beka christaAccording the the Next Generation Consulting, Ann Arbor is one of the best places to live if you are a young and professional.

NGC has studied the residential and relocation patterns of 20-40 years olds since 1998, and has developed a one-of-a-kind indexing system that evaluates a city based on the assets that are important to next gen workers.

The seven criteria used were:

  1. Earning
  2. Learning
  3. Vitality
  4. Around Town
  5. After Hours
  6. Cost of Lifestyle
  7. Social Capital

According to NRC, “The next generation is very savvy about choosing where they’ll live. They look carefully at quality of life factors like how much time they’re going to spend in traffic commuting, if they can live near a park or hike-and-bike trail, and whether a city’s downtown stays awake after five.”

Thinking about moving to Ann Arbor, begin your home search in Ann Arbor here.

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One thought on “Ann Arbor One of the Best Places to live for Young Professionals

  1. Missy,

    What a great article. Being a local gal I have been lucky enough to spend my life in tree town, and think this information is spot on for young folks looking to join us here. Well done! Make it a great day…..Caitlin A. Phillips


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