Short Sales are getting alot of attention in the Ann Arbor Area. A short sale is when a home owner owes more on their home than the current market conditions will allow them to sell for. You may have heard the it said this way, “the seller is upside down on their mortgage.
Buyers are able to purchase these homes for less than the what is owed to the banks. To purchase a short sale in the Ann Arbor Area, it is important to have lots of patience. Typically a short sale takes a minimum of 12 weeks to work through the process.
Today I am going to have you look at the Short Sales available in 3 communities in Washtenaw County, Ann Arbor, Saline and Ypsilanti Township.
Click on each link below and it will take you to the available homes in each community.I will be posting on different communities throughout Washtenaw County and the homes available to be sold short.
***Make sure you work with a Realtor that understands the Short Sale process, knows the right questions to ask. We have a TEAM of 6 Buyer Agents that can help you***
Missy, as short sales continue to come in to our local markets it is even more important for buyers to understand the process. Great advice for them to choose an agent that knows what to do to help them through the process!
Kris, they do. Sellers need experienced agents too, so many listings where they have not even ordered the short sale package.
Well I have done many short sales in the last two years. What others need to know is that these are great people who have lost their jobs, typically. They may have left the area for employment out of Michigan. The market declined so their home which was formerly mortgaged at $300k is now listed at $250k and is being offered as a short sale.
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