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Blog about Ann Arbor and Saline Michigan

Save the Dream, Help for Michigan Homeowners


Michigan State Housing Development Authortity (MSHDA) has a web-site where you can go to find helpful information if you are facing foreclosure in Michigan.  If you live in Ann Arbor, Saline or anywhere in Michigan this would be an excellent site to check out to see if they can provide help  for you.

The program is called Saved the Dream. The site provides state wide counselors to help you through the troubled waters.

One thing of interest to me is the opportunity to refinance your mortgage if you are current on all your payments and have not been able to refinance due to your home declining in value.

The program details will be available on March 4th at the Financial Stability. gov web site.

They will post answers to all your questions about the program so check there on March 4th.

Save the Dream has a toll free number at 866-946-7432.

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